Beam calculator
calculations in unitary and parametric systems
calculations of statically determinate Cantilever Beam, Simply Supported and Multi-Span Beam
checking static determinacy
calculate reaction forces in supports
step by step calculation of Normal Forces, Shear Forces and Bending Moments for beams
creating diagrams of internal forces (Normal Forces, Shear Forces and Bending Moments)
export results to MS Word or PDF file
Discover the possibilities of the beam calculator
Beam span calculator is:
Step-by-step solution - just like solving a beam analytically
In the user panel you have access to your solutions
The solution contains links to articles describing the methods used
Unlimited number of examples

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How to use the Beam Span Calculator:
Tab "Length":
Enter the length of the beam you want to calculate.
Set the appropriate units.
Check the box "Plot Normal Forces" if you need to calculate normal forces in the beam.
Check "Reverse Moment Plot Sign" if you want positive values on the bending moment diagram to be below the horizontal axis.
Press the "Update" button to save the changes.
Tab "Supports":
Choose the type of support and place it at any point on the beam. Available types of supports include:
Pin support
Roller support
Internal hinge
Fixed support
Label the support by completing the "Symbol" field.
Press the "Add" button. The support will be added to the beam schematic.
Tab "Loads":
Choose the type of load and place it at any point on the beam. Available types of loads include:
Point load
Bending moment
Uniformly distributed load
Non-uniformly distributed load
Fill in the required fields and press "Add".
The load will be added to the beam schematic.
Verify that all entered data is correct. If necessary, use the "Edit" button for a specific support or load.
Press "Calculate".
You will be redirected to a new page with the results for your task. You can save the result to a MS Word or PDF file.​​